Info:In short:Compressor are there to even out dynamics by bringing up the bringing up the quietest part of the signal, while at the same time also bringing down the level of the loudest parts. Guitarists generally use them to add greater punch, sustain, and perceived volume to a clean (or slightly dirty) guitar tone.
Our favourite part of this compressor is the ability to have the attack and relesase controls and how it blends together to actually fine tune your tone....put it with the right amplifier,what you'll get with this empress compressors is smooth sustain decays and the high end cut that many people look for in their sound
Music Bliss was lucky to bring in Empress compressor for one of our customer,it is a compressor that is comparatively transparent that is able to have great versatility and flexibility to your playing..It's of the top 5 compressors in the world...........Other springs to mind:
Great Compressor Pedals:
a)Analogman Bi-Compressor or Analogman Juicer
b)Boss CS-3 Compressor Sustainer
c)Keeley 4 Knob Compressor
d)Visual Sound V2 Series V2CMP66 Compression
e)Barber Tone Press
f)Pigtronix Philosopher's Tone
g)MXR Dyna Comp
h)Wampler Ego Compressor
i)Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter
j)Empress Compressor Of Course! Or Diamond Compressor
Below is a Demo review by Proguitarshop:Really shows well how a compressor pedal should be used!