Tuesday 26 February 2013

Analogman BC108 Fuzz! Yeah a Fuzz Pedal!

Let me start off by saying I’m a fanboy of Fuzz Face. This started out the first time I heard Jimi. And the bug grew bigger when I tried out Dunlop’s big blue Jimi’s Fuzz Face. It simply had an awesome tone.

Awesome tone but nonetheless troublesome. You see, a Fuzz Face isn’t like your favourite OD or distortion. To get its blooming beauty, you’ve got to work things out a fair bit. Many times, I’ve sat down with friends and fellow musicians who tried out a Fuzz Face, and they all had similar complaints. The fuzz is too thin, it’s too buzzy, and it freaks out with wah and other effects. And often, those guys got their effects chain wrong, and didn’t work out the kinks associated to Fuzz Face.  

The Fuzz Face and all its associated clones; with true vintage wiring and with germanium or silicon transistor, will always be fussy. This is one of the strange effects that will always want to be first. So, place it first in line. And have the rest of your stomps follow it after. As for working with wah, without squeals and funny buzzy noises, get a Foxrox wah retrofit fitted in. The buffer cheats the FF into believing it’s seeing a guitar signal and won’t act all wonky. And your wah will finally give you a full sweep.

Now, if you want to boost the Fuzz Face, or simply tighten the fuzzy edges, throw a Tubescreamer or some other drive after it. Something transparent is awesome but I personally use a TS9 after my Sunface BC108. It thickens the tone and gives me that Bonamassa type of lead tone (with a Strat’s bridge pup)!

Normally I’d say there are no rules as to how you want to set your rig up. But when it comes to Fuzz Face and its likes, you simply have to stick by some of the timeless, tried and tested rules. And before you say Jimi did fine with his, remember…Jimi had Roger Mayer.

For the original specifications on Analogman and their work :
Check out:http://www.analogman.com/fuzzface.htm

For availability to test out the pedals,we trully welcome everyone to pay a visit,no obligations,kindly contact us at Email us at sales@musicbliss.com.my

or Visit our website at www.musicbliss.com.my!

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